Are we becoming nomads in search of work and these social networking tools are proving to make our new nomadic lives easier; or is the social networking turning us into restless nomads? With all this Cloud Computing gear I can jump on my camel and surf the dunes while reading the latest antics of my friends on my Netbook, letting them know where I am using the GPS on my iPhone as I listen to the "Lawrence of Arabia Suite" by Maurice Jarre on my iPod (at the moment all these devices are virtual in my case).
I managed to network with a couple Oxford librarys: History of Faculty & Zoology library, and with Imperial College Library. Hey Presto! I have an additional 386 bookmarks instead of my previous six (no wonder I'm feeling restless). Working in the main science library in Oxford, it would be useful to see what the various departmental science libraries consider interesting and important websites; and not only those libraries in Oxford, but in other university science libraries around the world! Ah Ha! I'll be the Ghengis Khan of info sweeping through the cyber-world with my horde of Cloudi-Nomads hoovering up a googolplex of data ... or I could just keep my sanity, keep my network to a select few and avoid the RSS feeds!
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